Download a list of corrections and updates to the first edition here (pdf). There are currently 23 items on this list (last updated: 13 October 2017). The errata include changes to example code for use in NetLogo versions 6.x. (These corrections and changes have all been addressed in the second edition.)
E-book users should be aware that not all formatting survived the translation into E-book format. Throughout the book we use Courier font to delineate computer commands and code, variable names, etc., from the surrounding text. Some of this formatting was lost in some versions. If figures are missing, contact us via the email link at the bottom of this page.
Instructor Materials
If you are leading a class using this book, please contact us (via the email link at the bottom of this page) for access to instructor materials. Individuals using this book to teach themselves are also welcome to contact us for these materials.
Supporting Materials
The remainder of this page provides supporting materials for the textbook Agent-based and Individual-based Modeling: A Practical Introduction by Railsback and Grimm. These are model descriptions, data files, links to publications, etc. cited in the text as available on the book’s web site.
You can download individual files from the table below, or right-click here to download all files in one Zip archive (last updated: 7 October 2014). Please report any missing or damaged files, broken links, etc. via the email link at the bottom of this page.
PLEASE NOTE: These are best downloaded by right-clicking on the link and using “Save link as” or “Save target as”. Some browsers (including Internet Explorer) try to change the extension of some files (i.e., changing NetLogo programs from .nlogo to .htm). You can either correct the file extension in the “Save As” window, or rename the file once it has downloaded.
Chapter | Link | Contents | Date updated |
1: Models, Agent-Based Models, and the Modeling Cycle | (none) | ||
2: Getting Started with NetLogo | (none) | ||
3: Describing and Formulating ABMs | A pre-publication version of Grimm et al. (2010), which reviews applications of ODD and provides an updated version of ODD. Includes two supplements: (1) a list and review of publications using ODD, and (2) a template for writing ODD model descriptions. The template is also provided here as a Word file. However, we strongly encourage instead using this ODD guidance and checklist provided for the 2nd edition of the textbook, updated in 2019. | 3 Feb 2020 | |
Ch3-Ex1_PubsWithODD.pdf Ch3-Ex2_PubsWithNoODD.pdf |
For exercises 1 and 2, lists of scientific publications that do and do not use the ODD protocol | 4 Dec 2013 | |
4: Implementing a First Agent-Based Model | ButterflyModelODD.txt | The ODD description of the Butterfly Model (from book section 3.4) formatted for NetLogo’s Info tab (plain text file). | 18 Oct 2011 |
5: From Animations to Science | ElevationData.txt | Elevation data input file for Section 5.5 (tab-separated plain text). | 18 Oct 2011 |
Exercise10_ElevationData.txt | For exercise 10, a second file of elevation data for the Butterfly Model (tab-separated plain text). | 19 Oct 2011 | |
JovaniGrimm2008.pdf | For exercise 11, the journal article: Jovani, R. & Grimm, V. 2008. Breeding synchrony in colonial birds: From local stress to global harmony. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 275, 1557-63. Note that the parameter “SD” has a value of 10, not 1 as the exercise text says. | 19 Oct 2011 | |
6: Testing Your Program | MarriageModel-WithErrors.nlogo | For Section 6.5, a NetLogo model containing several programming errors. | 19 Oct 2011 |
MarriageAgeModel-ODD_PrintVersion.pdf | For Section 6.5, an easily-printed version of the Marriage Model ODD description. | 19 Oct 2011 | |
7: Introduction to Part II | (none) | ||
8: Emergence | (none) | ||
9: Observation | | Link to the article: Kornhauser, D., Wilensky, U. & Rand, W. 2009. Design guidelines for agent based model visualization. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 12, 1 (published on-line.) | 20 Oct 2011 |
Ch9-Exercise8_NetLogoExercises.pdf | A NetLogo refresher, for Exercise 8. | 23 Oct 2011 | |
10: Sensing | (none) | ||
11: Adaptive Behavior and Objectives | (none) | ||
12: Prediction | (none) | ||
13: Interaction | (none) | ||
14: Scheduling | Sect23-4_BreedingSynchronyModel.nlogo | The bird breeding synchrony model of Jovani and Grimm (2008), described in Section 23.4 and mentioned in Section 14.2.4 as an example of synchronous updating. | 25 Oct 2011 |
15: Stochasticity | (none) | ||
16: Collectives | (none) | ||
17: Introduction to Part III | (none) | ||
18: Patterns for Model Structure | Ch18_BEFORE-ODD.pdf | The ODD description of the BEFORE beech forest model, described in Section 18.3. | 25 Oct 2011 |
In Section 18.3.3, page 238: F(9,7) = 144 |
25 Oct 2011 | ||
Ch18_Exercise1_ModelsList.pdf | A list of models provided for Exercise 1. | 23 Nov 2011 | |
19: Theory Development | Ch19-Ex2_WoodHoopoes.nlogo | An implementation of the Woodhoopoe model for use in Exercise 2. The key adaptive trait of deciding when to scout for a vacant territory is included only as a random decision. | 28 Nov 2011 |
20: Parameterization and Calibration | Sect20-5_WoodHoopoes.nlogo | An implementation of the Woodhoopoe model as described in Section 20.5 for a calibration exercise. See the Info tab concerning a mistake in the book’s description of the scouting trait. | 25 Oct 2011 |
21: Introduction to Part IV | (none) | ||
22: Analyzing and Understanding ABMs | (none) | ||
23: Sensitivity, Uncertainty, and Robustness Analysis | Sect23-4_BreedingSynchronyModel.nlogo | The bird breeding synchrony model of Jovani and Grimm (2008), as described in Section 23.4; for possible use in Exercise 3. | 25 Oct 2011 |
24: Where to Go from Here | (none) |