May 2025 short course! Apply now

Volker Grimm and Steve Railsback will present their one-week course on scientific agent-based (or individual-based) modeling May 26-30th, 2025, in Chicago. This year the course will be in partnership with the NetLogo author and the NetLogo team at Northwestern...

New journal: Individual-based Ecology

The new journal Individual-based Ecology (IBE) has just been launched, with editors-in-chief Volker Grimm, Mark Hauber, Florian Jeltsch, and Karin Frank. IBE “promotes new experimental and monitoring designs and models that focus on individual organisms and...

Ecological Society of America recognizes Volker Grimm

The Ecological Society of America awarded Volker Grimm the 2023 Robert Whittaker Distinguished Ecologist Award, which is presented every two years to an outstanding non-American ecologist. The award statement noted Volker’s contributions to theoretical ecology,...

Reusable building blocks for agent-based models

Uta Berger, Volker Grimm, and others recently submitted a manuscript promoting reusable components of ABMs, and established the web site to promote them. The authors define resusable building blocks: “An RBB is a submodel that represents a...

New software development resources from CoMSES Net

CoMSES Net, the Network for Computational Modeling in Social and Ecological Sciences,is making training materials for good software practices available. Modules are now available on: Responsible practices for scientific software, Introduction to Git and Github, and...