by Steve Railsback | Feb 20, 2019 | OldNewsItems
As part of our web site upgrade, we moved the instructor materials to a new page where they are easier to find. For users of the first edition, look under the 1st edition link on the main menu, above. For the second edition, use the Instructor Materials link. The...
by Joel Mielke | Feb 15, 2019 | OldNewsItems
The second edition of this book is now available and should be in stores in March, 2019. The new edition includes hundreds of changes to improve clarity in challenging sections, use the newest version of NetLogo, update model development and analysis guidance with...
by Steve Railsback | Feb 12, 2019 | OldNewsItems
Steven Railsback and Bret Harvey will be publishing the book Modeling Populations of Adaptive Individuals in the Princeton University Press Monographs in Population Biology series. The book discusses individual/agent-based modeling of systems in which the individuals...
by Steve Railsback | Feb 10, 2019 | OldNewsItems
We and colleagues will present a symposium “Including Adaptive Behavior and Feedbacks in Ecological Theory and Models” at the 2019 Ecological Society of America meeting. The symposium is scheduled for Tuesday, 13 August 2019. Volker Grimm will make the...
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